Forum Discussion

RNalivaika's avatar
Iron Contributor
Jul 14, 2020

Open links to PDF files internally in Edge

Hello Edge experts.

When I click on a link or paste URL directly to a PDF file, for example this:

I get the file downloaded to default location.

I see the setting "Always open PDF files externally", but no matter what the setting for it is, I still get the file downloaded, instead of opened directly in Edge.
I tried setting Edge as my default app for opening PDF files, but this has no effect on opening of links.

Is it possible to make Edge display PDF files without putting them to user's downloads folder? Both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox do this fine.

Any tips or ideas? Thanks, Ruslan

  • Deleted's avatar
    Jul 20, 2020

    RNalivaika I looped the PDF team in. Thanks to your feedback, they're making a bug for this and will be looking into it further!


    Fawkes (they/them)
    Program Manager & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge

  • RNalivaika Hi Ruslan, thanks for reaching out. I'll bring this up with the team and let you know if there are any insights to share.


    Fawkes (they/them)
    Program Manager & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge

      • Deleted's avatar

        RNalivaika I looped the PDF team in. Thanks to your feedback, they're making a bug for this and will be looking into it further!


        Fawkes (they/them)
        Program Manager & Community Manager - Microsoft Edge

  • Hello RNalivaika 

    your link is correct, there is no difference between a download link and a PDF link, it's just how the browser handles the extensions (.PDF).
    on Firefox the PDF opens inside the browser using that link, doesn't get downloaded (because of the settings in Firefox which recently got improved).

    on Edge stable 83, that PDF is downloaded and not opened inside the browser (by default), again because of the settings in Edge which need to be improved.


    Here is the solution:


    let the PDF file download in Edge at least once, then right-click here and choose: "Always open with system viewer".



    next time you open PDF files from a link, they will be automatically opened inside Edge.



    • RNalivaika's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      Hello HotCakeX and thanks for your input. That helps a bit, but does not solve the issue completely. I've also testet the same setting using GPO/Registry with version 85 (dev). It is not desirable that the PDF file lands in downloads folder. Some users who quickly review tens and hundreds of PDFs each day will quickly make their downloads folder messy. 🙂 Regards, Ruslan

      • HotCakeX's avatar


        RNalivaika wrote:

        Hello HotCakeX and thanks for your input. That helps a bit, but does not solve the issue completely. I've also testet the same setting using GPO/Registry with version 85 (dev). It is not desirable that the PDF file lands in downloads folder. Some users who quickly review tens and hundreds of PDFs each day will quickly make their downloads folder messy. 🙂 Regards, Ruslan


        Hi, I think Edge needs improvements there, you can send that PDF link along with a problem description as feedback using Edge feedback button and hopefully the devs will fix this in the future.

        Edge opens some PDF files internally and downloads the rest.

        Firefox opens All PDF files internally by default, without exception, and if the user wants PDF files to be downloaded instead, they can go to the Firefox settings and change this behavior.
        so the problem/bug with Edge is that it is making exceptions for some reason.


        This is Firefox settings for PDF:



        and now Edge settings for PDF:



        just one simple toggle button...which is vague and confusing.

        "open files externally" ... with which program? nobody knows. but on Firefox, there is a whole bunch of advanced settings, you can also choose your default program to open PDFs with inside Firefox.

        Edge needs these settings.




    • TheShaunSaw's avatar
      Silver Contributor


      I thought like that because when I open PDFs from my school website and some other websites, it does not download it and views it online without the option checked as shown in your reply and when I only went to that link, it started downloading the PDF. So I thought it would be that way but it wasn't.

      Thank you for helping.

      Apologies for the misinformation given and I will make it sure to take care that I don't spread misinformation anywhere in the future.

      • HotCakeX's avatar


        It's okay no worries, Edge is new born so it still has rough edges, but trying different browsers like Firefox, reveals the shortcomings.

  • TheShaunSaw's avatar
    Silver Contributor


    Hi there, you are welcome to the Microsoft Edge Insider Community!

    You can open .pdf files without downloading them in Microsoft Edge. Your .pdf file is getting downloaded because the link is a download link and not directly a .pdf file.


    • RNalivaika's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      TheShaunSawHello and thank you!

      How can you tell that the link is a download link and not directly a .pdf file?

      If i click a link to or just paste the link in Firefox, i get it opened internally, see screenshot below. Internet Explorer works the same, but not Edge..


