Forum Discussion

Dennis5mile's avatar
Silver Contributor
Feb 08, 2021

Its Back... Show/hide extensions

Cool, this little feature showed up some months back or maybe even almost year ago, I forget now, but it was not supposed to be there.  So the team removed it, but now the team has placed it back in.. as of Version 90.0.792.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit).  Well I hope they did.. lol 

Click the eye to show or hide the icon from your tool bar, making less cluttered.. 

Love this, hope it stays this time.   I could not find the original post I had on it before.




  • Yes they removed the previous experiment which was using Google's implementation of extension menu and around a week ago or two they started rolling out this one.
    currently it is missing one big feature which is to show user which extensions have access to the website and which ones don't.




    • Davy49's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      HotCakeX I was looking for the extension icon to be placed on the toolbar like it is while using other chromium based browsers (brave) for instance. 

      • Davy49 

        Davy49 wrote:

        HotCakeX I was looking for the extension icon to be placed on the toolbar like it is while using other chromium based browsers (brave) for instance. 

        it is like that,

        this is my Edge toolbar right now, extension menu and an extension icon next to it.



  • Davy49's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Dennis5mile I'm currently running the same exact version as you are but I don't see the extension 'eye' as you call it up in the top right hand corner, I only see the three dots like normal. As I remember, in the past I was able to enable that toolbar icon by going into the experimental 'edge flags' area & then enabling that flag to show the extension icon. I just checked in that area & unless I missed it I no longer see that particular flag available.
