Forum Discussion
Raymond Preston
Aug 02, 2019Copper Contributor
How do i get Edge to trust our internal Certificate Authority
Is there any way to get edge to stop flagging our internal certs as non trusted ? Pkiview.msc shows that there are no problems with the CA windows shows the cert is trusted. Yet edge marks it as ...
Copper Contributor
Can you explain how exactly?
Can you explain how exactly?
Sep 16, 2020Iron Contributor
I don't know what I should explain to you exactly.
Unfortunatly at the moment I can't reproduce the problem.
But I think the reason could be one of the following setting if it is incorrect:
- Your root ca is not installed.
- Your url is not marked as meber of the zone intranet in the zone-site-list.
Can you posted the shown security warning id (like NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID). You have to reenable the security warning to see it.