Forum Discussion
Feb 18, 2021
Edge Password in IP Local
I noticed that Edge saves access but then does not enable the option to log in with the saved password when the IP is local, could you fix this for me not to rely on the LastPass just for that? ...
Feb 18, 2021MVP
maisondasilva wrote:HotCakeX See that I typed the password and email manually, but up there does not appear the option to save, I deleted the two previously saved passwords and delete lastpass
The icons you are referring to in your screenshot don't show that you are credentials saved for that address.
one of the icons say you have that website added to favorites, and the other one is for page translation.
the icon for saved password is this:
Feb 18, 2021
Yes, exactly and because after I logged in normally this icon appears asking to save the password, and even with the password saved in Profile >> Passwords it does not display, it is because as I sent the image I cannot show the behavior.
- HotCakeXFeb 19, 2021MVPAlright, you sent your feedback, hopefully it will be fixed