Forum Discussion
Dev channel update to 89.0.731.0 is live
That does work, yes. However, that behaviour only started a few versions ago.
I tend to use CTRL + C/V a lot when cutting and pasting, and it would work as normal, so something changed.
I know I can use CTRL + SHIFT + V, but muscle memory plays an important role as well, so it's not something I use.
Either the address bar has some weird hidden chars, or the Cut & Paste is adding something to it.
I don't believe that this is the intended behaviour.
Well, they added this a while ago (couple of months), and I've been using the forums that have the same IPS software for a long time.
right-click works, keyboard shortcut works and also you can set the default behavior to "plain text" and then use the shortcut or right-click for whenever you want to paste as "link".
that would be the old behavior that you can switch back to.