Forum Discussion
Elliot Kirk
Jun 03, 2019Autofill in Microsoft Edge
Autofill of forms is a feature familiar to most Microsoft Edge customers (or for that matter, users of most modern browsers). In the next version of Microsoft Edge too, you can expect the browser to ...
Jun 05, 2019Iron Contributor
Apologies for my English!
Leaving the security of the passwords of your favorite sites in the hands of your computer's windows account is an option ... but it does not seem the most appropriate, or at least it does not seem enough. I think that there where you keep passwords should have a layer of security and this is the suggestion I make in this section. Firefox and thunderbird do it with a master key. I do not think he's asking for anything absurd.
In any case, it is a suggestion that I make and that I think is positive for everyone. It is not my intention to create any discussion.
Thank you!
(En español)
Disculpas por mi ingles!!
Dejar la seguridad de las contraseñas de tus sitios favoritos en manos de la cuenta de windows de tu equipo es una opcion ... pero no me parece la mas apropiada, o al menos no me parece suficiente. Creo que alli donde tu guardes contraseñas deberia tener una capa mas de seguridad y esto es la sugerencia que hago en este apartado. Firefox y thunderbird lo hacen con una clave maestra. No creo que este solicitando nada absurdo.
En cualquier caso, es una sugerencia que hago y que creo que es positiva para todo el mundo. No es mi intencion crear ninguna discusion.
Jun 05, 2019Silver Contributor
Also, keep in mind, before browser even comes info play... The security in the OS is strong With 2 stage authentication and more. For it to be suggested that products might not be safe and secure... Seems unlikely in 2020 from MS. Would be a given, in this day and age. MS, certainly know threat mitigation is critical. Computing must be done without fear.