Forum Discussion

Vinícius Barreto's avatar
Vinícius Barreto
Copper Contributor
Jun 11, 2017

Move virtual machine between different accounts

Hello guys! Do you know if it is possible to move a virtual machine to another Azure account?
  • Niels Ophey's avatar
    Jun 13, 2017
    Hi, There is no direct way to migrate a vm from One Account to an other, of we speack about separate subscription from different owner. There a to possible ways - Grant the user of One subscription rights in the other subscription so that this user is able to use both subscription. Than you can move a vm and all relaxed resources to the other subscription. The other way is to just move the vhd-files from one storage account to an other by using e.g. Azcopy. In this case you only need the Security Information of the Storage account. But After the copy you have to rebuild the vm. Regards Niels
