Forum Discussion
Conditional Access with MacOS Safari
The JAMF integration allows our devices to be marked as compliant in Azure AD.
However, there is some confusion as to how this affects conditional access. For example, we use the "require devices to be marked as compliant" option - with Windows 10 we know that this can affect both browsers and client applications (e.g. OWA on Exchange Online and the Outlook client) and only a compliant device can access via either browser/apps.
Is this the same with MacOS or is it just client applications currently supported?
For example, accessing OWA with Safari on MacOS, with exchange online only granting access to compliant devices. My assumption would be that it would fail and I'd need to access this via the Outlook client?
To sum up the question, if I were to grant access to Exchange Online only for devices that are marked as compliant, will a JAMF managed MacOS device be able to access via Safari (or any other browser?)