Forum Discussion
Joe Stocker
Aug 13, 2018Bronze Contributor
Better Description of what StrongPasswordRequired does
Can anyone location MSFT Documentation for exactly what this does? set-msoluser -StrongPasswordRequired $true versus set-msoluser -StrongPasswordRequired $false The documentation on set-msoluser ...
Brass Contributor
SSPR will only allow passwords that match the Azure AD Password complexity requirements when the 'strongpasswordrequired' parameter is set to True. Also, the Azure AD password protection proxy feature is in preview and requires AD integration. For in cloud environments only, it won't work.
Oct 29, 2018MVP
Sorry, Ipsito_Dutta that's not correct
See as all cloud only account passwords are matched against Microsoft's list of weak passwords. The custom banned list and on premises integration are preview, not checking against weak passwords. It's easy to prove as well.