Forum Discussion
Azure AD Connect is not synchronizing Computer objects
- Aug 05, 2019
I resolved it by configuring proxy-exceptions 🙂
The reason for not synchronizing the computer-objects was that the computers were not able to contact Azure AD connection-points what is necessary to change attributes (usercertificate) so that Azure AD Connect will synchronize it to AAD.
Hi Patrick,
I am also having same kind of issues. Can you please let me know what proxy you were using? Also can you please share the specifics about the exceptions you made on the proxy ??
Because I have the same issue, is there any more information about how to resolve it?
- Sebastian cerazyJul 07, 2020Brass Contributor
That was painful to understand!
It seems that Azure AD Connect does NOT willy-nilly sync computer object from local AD, unles the machine has usercertificate attribute as per best decription here or here
That in turn requires Hybrid-join configured in Azure AD Connect
Because I needed a single Computer object to be Hybrid, I simply done Controlled join as per this with a GPO assigned to a single OU where the computer resides in AD
Ofcourse the computer object was already AD joined (as it was existing computer), so just done dirty AD re-join to NETBIOS name (just take out the bits after first dot)
That created usercertificate attribute and on next sync it is synced & shows:
+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Device State | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ AzureAdJoined : YES EnterpriseJoined : NO DomainJoined : YES DomainName : MYDOMAIN
- Sebastian cerazyJul 07, 2020Brass Contributor
Never previously needed to sync computer objects, but now I do.
And while all look OK, they simpley do NOT sync at all
I need the sync, so I can configure hybrid-join
As previous poster, any more info about it?