Forum Discussion

SampsonYe's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 23, 2021

How to build MAUI to apk?

i try publish,it can not work

  • SampsonYe 


    Using the dotnet cli you can build an apk using the following command:


    dotnet build -f net6.0-android


    The apk file will be built, and you can find it at <app-root-dir>/bin/release/net6.0-android/com.companyname.appname-Signed.apk

  • Anna_Doll's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    To build a .NET MAUI app into an APK, follow these steps:

    1. Use the Command: Run this in your project directory:bashdotnet build -f:net6.0-android -c:Release

    2. Locate the APK: Find the APK at:bash<project-root>/bin/Release/net6.0-android/com.companyname.appname-Signed.ap 

    3. Optional Signing: For production, configure signing in your .csproj or manually sign the APK.

    This will generate a ready-to-deploy APK.

  • GameJonny's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    SampsonYe Right click on the project and hit publish. Make sure you have the desired framework selected and it will create the archive.


    Not sure why MS felt the need to change this but still leave the View Archives option.

  • apkthrills's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where your MAUI project is located.
    Run the following command:
    dotnet publish -c Release -r Android -p:PackageFormat=Apk
    This will create an APK file in the bin\Release\Android\ directory of your project.
    Here is a more detailed explanation of the steps:
    The dotnet publish command is used to build a .NET MAUI app.
    The -c Release option specifies that the app should be built in release mode.
    The -r Android option specifies that the app should be built for Android.
    The -p:PackageFormat=<a href="">Apk</a> option specifies that the app should be packaged as an APK file.
    I hope this helps!
  • StrathdeeK's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Using the dotnet cli you can build an apk using the following command:


    dotnet build -f net6.0-android


    The apk file will be built, and you can find it at <app-root-dir>/bin/release/net6.0-android/com.companyname.appname-Signed.apk

    • SampsonYe's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      Wowo  nice, it work!!

      just use dotnet cli can finish it


      but why VS 2022 Preview Can't publish suitable apk?


      • NicolasKrier's avatar
        Copper Contributor


        In the MAUI proj settings, there is a combobox/dropdownlist where you set your preferences
        See Android package section


        But when bundle (aab) is made, it generates the apk too at the same time.
        Check your bin\Release\net7.0-android folder
