Forum Discussion

CHEUNG Peter's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 06, 2019

About Send as permission ...............

Hi All


Recent we deploy new ERP System, the ERP system allows the user to send a report to another internal and external user,  but I encountered some tough problem, the system has a 100+ user 


Now I search the user >mailbox delegation> add ERP_Report  x100 time, does any other way to do this?

  • Simply use PowerShell and the Add-RecipientPermission cmdlet. For example, you can create a CSV file, put the list of users in it, and do this:


    Import-CSV blabla.csv | % { Add-RecipientPermission $_.user -Trustee ERP_Report -AccessRights SendAs }


    where blabla.csv has a column named User, designating the corresponding mailbox. Make sure to use an unique identifier such as the UPN or email address.
