Forum Discussion
Sep 01, 2020Copper Contributor
Sorting my Access Database
I am having trouble sorting my database. ONE entry will not sort properly. I have erased the entry and re-entered it without success. I am sorting on three fields out of maybe thirty and everything s...
Sep 04, 2020
Can you show me a screenshot of your table design structure with the data types.
Normally, one is not supposed to work in tables, so this isn't normally a consideration. You should be working through forms built upon queries.
Normally, one is not supposed to work in tables, so this isn't normally a consideration. You should be working through forms built upon queries.
Sep 05, 2020Copper Contributor
I believe this is a query off the form
and 958 still show at top
I think this is an SQL of the query
these should be table design
Thanks as always for any help - Jeff
- Sep 12, 2020Contact me through my site
And I'll reply so you can share with me. - JLovellSep 12, 2020Copper Contributor
- Sep 10, 2020I've tried replicating the issue, but have been unable to. Any chance you could upload a copy of your database to OneDrive, GoogleDrive, Dropbox, ... And provide us with a link for closer inspection?
Be sure to delete any confidential information beforehand.