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MS Project Filter Reports
I provide a weekly PMO report to our sponsor. However, some specific tasks within the reporting period do not appear when I filter the report. For example, if the reporting period is set from January 1 to January 7, certain tasks scheduled for January 7 are missing from the report. What could be causing this? Thanks. TeshomeMolalengeFeb 06, 2025Brass Contributor13Views0likes1CommentMS Project 2019 desktop Reporting- Rows
I provide a monthly PMP status report. When I print the status report, I notice a message at the bottom stating, "Only showing 75 items out of 118 rows. The project can only show 75 rows." I have the desktop version of MS2019. Is it possible to extend the number of rows to 120 or more? Thanks. TeshomeMolalengeFeb 06, 2025Brass Contributor26Views0likes1CommentGetting Project Server data using REST APIs in ADF
Hello, I have created a pipeline that copies Project Server data from REST APIs to a JSON Datalake and then to my SQL Server database (SSMS). I was inspired by the following blog: I built the pipeline like in the blog and it looks like this: The first 5 activities retrieve login information necessary to access Project Server. All that information is brought together with a concat in the next step. I also have a access token (bearer token). Next, I have three different copy steps, one for each table of Project Server data that I want to copy (Projects, Resources & Assignments). Each table has its own REST API. The Projects REST API look like this: The other two are the same only with ‘Assignments’ and ‘Resources’ at the end. The Copy activity looks like this: The Sink is a JSON Datalake. For the mapping part, I only put the ProjectId column for testing purposes. My main issue is the amount of rows that the API’s copy. Firstly, the Projects API copies only copies exactly 300 rows, meanwhile it should be 626. The Resources API copies way more rows: 838, which is the right amount. The Assignments API copies exactly 1000 rows. The Assignments are a large Fact table of more than 40 000 rows. Another issue is the rest of the output I receive from the Copy activity. The output does not give any info about ‘offset’ or ‘pages’, so I also cannot use pagination. I tried to work around this with adding "?top=1000" to the API URL and by using relative URL’s, an Until loop, but nothing really seems to work. Does someone have experience in this niche issue? I haven’t found much documentation (the blog also did not mention anything about the count of rows) and I am new to ADF so any help is more than welcome! Thank you in advance!GuusHendrickxFeb 06, 2025Copper Contributor40Views0likes2CommentsDefault scheduling mode Project app
Hi, the default scheduling mode of projects (fixed duration vs fixed effort) used to be configured in the general parameters settings in Power Apps, of the Project app (project for the web). But since that portal recently changed, I can't find it anymore. Do any of you know where those settings are to be found? Ps the personal and advanced settings options in the navigation bar of the Project app don't work. I checked that in two different tenants. The advanced settions popout does nothing (it is still in development I believe), the personal settings generates an error. In any case these don't seem to be the General Paramenters section anyway. Curious if some of you know where it is to be found...Constant2250Feb 04, 2025Copper Contributor50Views0likes5CommentsDatum veranderd niet na verwijderen koppeling tussen subprojecten
Ik heb 1 totaalplanning. Deze totaalplanning bestaat uit allemaal subplanningen (welke allemaal een eigen bestand zijn). Deze subplanning heb ik op de totaalplanning gekoppeld. Daarnaast ben ik de subplanningen met elkaar gaan koppelen (de hoofdregel), in chronologische volgorde qua planning. Voorbeeld: Subproject 1 staat gepland van 10-03-2025 t/m 01-05-2025 Subproject 2 is hieraan gekoppeld en staat gepland van 02-05-2025 t/m 06-06-2025 Subproject 3 is hieraan gekoppeld en staat gepland van 07-06-2025 t/m 31-07-2025 Echter, wanneer ik de koppeling tussen subproject 2 en 3 verwijderd, kan ik geen nieuwe koppeling hieraan toevoegen en blijft de datum bij subproject 3 op 07-06-2025 staan.mannypetersJan 29, 2025Copper Contributor12Views0likes1CommentTask assignments and overall task % completion
Hi! Most probably this might not be possible in MS Project / Project Online, but it doesn’t hurt to check with the Project Community. We have a task assigned to two resources, and the Project Manager's idea is that either of these two resources can complete the whole task to 100%, not only their 50% of it. We have tried various combinations of Fixed Duration / Work / Units with and without Effort Driven but haven’t found any combination that works so one of the two resources can complete the task to 100%. It always ends up being half. For example, the resource goes to My Tasks and submits 80%, but in the project, it shows 40%. We have also looked into using the Team Resource option, but it requires the resources to take an extra step, assigning the task from the Team to themselves, which is not what we are looking for. Does this requirement have any solution, or should we stop investigating and give up? Thank you.Project Web App can't delete PDP despite custom scripting being enabled
Hi everyone, Currently trying to set up a Project Web App system and I've encountered this problem. When trying to delete/remove a project detail page from a project nothing happens. My organisation has custom scripting enabled and I can remove fields and other stuff from projects but when I try to remove a page it doesn't work. I've removed all fields from the page I'm trying to delete so I don't think its anything to do with a required field or existing workflow, and I get no error message when I try to delete the page. I simply click "Delete Page", stop editing and the page is still there with no change. Anyone have any ideas on what could be causing the issue?tjk2002Jan 21, 2025Copper Contributor50Views0likes0CommentsMS Project Professional - VBA Color row based on field value
I have a master project with code below. What it does it: whenever I change the field Text12 to "OK" or "NOK" (and other words) it colors the whole row with a specific color (see Module1). It works great at a master project level, that is, in tasks directly in this master project. (How it works: It checks for changes in the Text12 column and sets a bool to true. Then, in Proj_Change, it applies the colors to the correct task row) However, it doesn't work at a Subproject level. I've added Debug.Print to each sub, and when I edit a Subproject's task, it only calls up to App_ProjectBeforeTaskChange. Is there a way to solve this? Detect changes in Subprojects and color the rows? I've tried running the ApplyColor sub directly from the App_ProjectBeforeTaskChange sub, but VBA says "this method is not available in this situation". Also tried using a Timer, didn't work, same error. (PS: I also posted this on Stack Overflow but I couldnt get help, so I'm posting this on other forums) ThisProject: Private Sub Project_Open(ByVal pj As Project) InitializeEventHandler End Sub Module1: Regular Module Option Explicit Dim EventHandler As EventClassModule Sub InitializeEventHandler() Set EventHandler = New EventClassModule Set EventHandler.App = Application Set EventHandler.proj = Application.ActiveProject End Sub Sub ApplyColor() Dim t As Task Set t = EventHandler.ChangedTask If Not t Is Nothing Then SelectRow Row:=t.UniqueID, RowRelative:=False Select Case EventHandler.NewValue Case "OK" Font32Ex CellColor:=14282722 'green Case "NOK" Font32Ex CellColor:=11324407 'red Case "PROGRESS" Font32Ex CellColor:=65535 'blue Case "REPEAT" Font32Ex CellColor:=15652797 'yellow Case Else Font32Ex CellColor:=-16777216 'no color End Select End If End Sub EventClassModule: ClassModule Public WithEvents App As Application Public WithEvents proj As Project Public NewValue As String Public ChangePending As Boolean Public ChangedTask As Task Private Sub App_ProjectBeforeTaskChange(ByVal tsk As Task, ByVal Field As PjField, ByVal NewVal As Variant, Cancel As Boolean) If Field = 188743998 Then 'Custom field Text12 Set ChangedTask = tsk NewValue = NewVal ChangePending = True End If End Sub Private Sub Proj_Change(ByVal pj As Project) If ChangePending Then ApplyColor ChangePending = False End If End SubKlausbdlJan 20, 2025Copper Contributor63Views0likes0CommentsMS Project master plan with many projects
Hello, I did a big master plan where i have almost 20 projects with many rows. One project has approximately 70 rows. What i need to now is to share with my coworkers a master plan which shows only 8 rows from each project, Typically only assembly and testing activity. The rest should be hidden. They are not expert to use this software, so i need to prepare for them a new master file where will be shared from actual master plan the activity what they want to see only... Does somebody know how to set it? I would definitely not go in way of using some filters. So my idea is to make a new master plan which will display only some activity from actual master plan. But how to do it? How to link it. Is there any special feature for that? Thank you to all who has some idea how to solve it.JendaJan 16, 2025Copper Contributor42Views0likes1Comment
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