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Project Support Blog

Project Online: Did my Enterprise Global save ok?

DeletedBrianSmith's avatar
Brass Contributor
Mar 06, 2019
First published on TECHNET on Mar 18, 2015

This post covers some odd behavior some of you may have seen recently in Project Online when you have edited and saved the Enterprise Global, for example after updating an Enterprise view for your users.  When you save from Project Pro you see the expected message in the status bar saying SAVE COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY.

Yet If you look in the queue you see a ‘Getting Queued’ job – but it never seems to complete.

However, if you open the global again (even from a different PC, or as a different user) you can confirm the message in Project Pro – that your changes were correctly saved.

So what’s happening?  The job in the queue can be safely ignored, and if you compare to a Project Server 2013 (or even 2010) you will see that no queue jobs are ever generated when you save the Enterprise Global.  In fact the save process isn’t the same as for ‘ordinary’ plans – and a quick dig in the database (if you have an on-premises installation – and the right access) will show that the EGlobal plan is only present in the pub(lished) schema and not draft.  The save in fact goes right to the published database and does not go through a save/publish workflow in the queue.  The job appears to be an artifact of some recent change, and it does get cleared out by the queue cleanup process – so is nothing to worry about.

Published Mar 06, 2019
Version 1.0
  • genevieve506's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Does this "Project Save from Project Professional" job that is in "Getting Queued" status have anything to do with the EGlobal-Date (e.g., EGlobal-202101415082292) that shows up in the Delete Enterprise Objects page?  I've seen this EGlobal file in a couple of different PWA environments, but not all.  You mentioned that the EGlobal will show up in the Published database and I can see on Delete Enterprise Objects that the EGlobal file shows as I'm assuming it's the same thing you were seeing for on-premises installs.  If that's the case, should I expect this to go away from the list of projects once the queue job gets cleaned up?  Or should the EGlobal exist for all time?