Installing the Azure Information Protection scanner is not terribly difficult as long as you follow the instructions explicitly and don't miss anything. This is sometimes a challenge as there are a lot of steps involved with registering the Azure AD Applications and delegating rights. To make this process a bit quicker, we have developed a scripted method that will allow you to fully install scanner in less than 10 minutes (assuming all prerequisites are in place).
WARNING: Although we have performed this installation many times in lab environments, this is not currently a supported method for installing scanner, so use at your own risk.
Scanner Prerequisites
The prerequisites below are still required for successful AIP scanner installation.
- A Windows Server 2012 R2 or 2016 Server to run the service
- Minimum 4 CPU and 4GB RAM physical or virtual
NOTE: TL;DR: More RAM is better.
The scanner will allocate RAM 2.5-3 times of size of all files being scanned in parallel. Thus, if you scan 40 files that are 20MB each at the same time, it should take about 202.540=2GB RAM. However, if you have one big 1GB file it can take 3GB of RAM just for that file.
- Minimum 4 CPU and 4GB RAM physical or virtual
- Internet connectivity necessary for Azure Information Protection
- A SQL Server 2012+ local or remote instance (Any version from Express or better is supported)
- Sysadmin role needed to install scanner service (user running Install-AIPScanner, not the service account)
NOTE: If using SQL Server Express, the SQL Instance name is ServerName\SQLExpress.
NOTE: At this time, a different SQL instance is needed for each AIP Scanner node.
- Sysadmin role needed to install scanner service (user running Install-AIPScanner, not the service account)
- Service account created in On Premises AD (I will call this account AIPScanner in this document).
- Service requires Log on locally right and Log on as a service right (the second will be given during scanner service install).
- Service account requires Read permissions to each repository for discovery and Read/Write permissions for classification/protection.
- AzInfoProtection.exe available on the Microsoft Download Center (The scanner bits are included with the AIP Client)
- Azure AD Preview PowerShell module
Install-Module AzureADPreview
Scanner Installation
Now that we have verified that all prerequisites are in place, we can go through the basic scanner install.
- Log onto the server where you will install the AIP Scanner service using an account that is a local administrator of the server and has permission to write to the SQL Server master database. (more restrictive scenarios are documented in the official documentation)
- Run AzInfoProtection.exe on the server and step through the client install (this also drops the AIP Scanner bits).
WARNING: This blog is based on the GA version ( of the AIP Client. If you want to update to the Preview client, please install the GA first and then install the preview client and use Update-AIPScanner after installation.
The Preview Client ( is necessary for logs to be imported into the public preview AIP log analytics dashboard.
- Next, open an Administrative PowerShell prompt.
- At the PowerShell prompt, type the following command and press Enter:
- When prompted, provide the credentials for the on premises scanner service account (YourDomain\AIPScanner) and password.
- When prompted for SqlServerInstance, enter the name of your SQL Server and press Enter.
NOTE: If you get any errors at this point, verify network connectivity and resolve any permissions issues with the SQL Database before proceeding!
Create Cloud Service Account
If you are not using Azure AD Sync for your Service account, you will need to create a service account in the cloud tenant to use for AIP authentication. If you have synced your on premises service account, you can skip this task.
Run the command below to connect to Azure AD.
When prompted, provide tenant Global Admin credentials.
To create an account in the cloud, you must first define a password profile object. Run the commands below to define this object.
$PasswordProfile = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile.ForceChangePasswordNextLogin = $false $Password = Read-Host -assecurestring "Please enter password for cloud service account" $Password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password)) $PasswordProfile.Password = $Password
When prompted, enter a password for the cloud service account.
To create the account, run the commands below.
$Tenant = Read-Host "Please enter tenant name for UserPrincipalName (e.g." New-AzureADUser -AccountEnabled $True -DisplayName "AIP Scanner Cloud Service" -PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile -MailNickName "AIPScannerCloud" -UserPrincipalName "AIPScannerCloud@$Tenant"
When prompted, enter the tenant name you want to use for the UserPrincipleName for the clous service account (e.g.
Creating Azure AD Applications
Next, we will configure the App Registrations for the Web App and Native App that are required to create the Set-AIPAuthentication command that will be used to get the authentication token. We will also assign the necessary Oauth2Permissions for the Web App to have delegated rights to the Native App.
Run the commands below to create the Web App, associated Service Principle, and key password.
New-AzureADApplication -DisplayName AIPOnBehalfOf -ReplyUrls http://localhost $WebApp = Get-AzureADApplication -Filter "DisplayName eq 'AIPOnBehalfOf'" New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId $WebApp.AppId $WebAppKey = New-Guid $Date = Get-Date New-AzureADApplicationPasswordCredential -ObjectId $WebApp.ObjectID -startDate $Date -endDate $Date.AddYears(1) -Value $WebAppKey.Guid -CustomKeyIdentifier "AIPClient"
Next, we need to run some commands to build the RequiredResourceAccess object that is needed to automate delegation of permissions for the native application.
$AIPServicePrincipal = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true | ? {$_.DisplayName -eq 'AIPOnBehalfOf'} $AIPPermissions = $AIPServicePrincipal | select -expand Oauth2Permissions $Scope = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.ResourceAccess" -ArgumentList $AIPPermissions.Id,"Scope" $Access = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.RequiredResourceAccess" $Access.ResourceAppId = $WebApp.AppId $Access.ResourceAccess = $Scope
Now we can create the Native App and associated Service Principle using the commands below.
New-AzureADApplication -DisplayName AIPClient -ReplyURLs http://localhost -RequiredResourceAccess $Access -PublicClient $true $NativeApp = Get-AzureADApplication -Filter "DisplayName eq 'AIPClient'" New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId $NativeApp.AppId
At this point, we have everything we need to build the Set-AIPAuthentication command, but since we want to run this command in the context of the AIP Scanner account, we will output it to a text file and open it.
"Set-AIPAuthentication -WebAppID " + $WebApp.AppId + " -WebAppKey " + $WebAppKey.Guid + " -NativeAppID " + $NativeApp.AppId | Out-File ~\Desktop\Set-AIPAuthentication.txt Start ~\Desktop\Set-AIPAuthentication.txt
Authenticating as the AIP Scanner Service
In this task, we will use the command created previously to authenticate the AIP Scanner to the AIP Service.
Open PowerShell using Run as a different user and use the on premises Scanner Service account.
Run the command in Set-AIPAuthentication.txt
NOTE: This command can be used on multiple servers to set up the scanner. The Azure AD Applications only need to be configured once and you can save this command to create as many scanner instances as you require.
When prompted, enter the cloud service account information ( and the password you defined.
Finally, in the Required permissions dialog, click Accept to acquire an authentication token.
The last step is to restart the scanner srevice so it can use the new token.
Restart-Service AIPScanner
Scanner Configuration
Past this point, scanner configuration is the same as it is in the other articles. I am including it here for convenience.
About Policies:
Now that the scanner has an authentication token, we should discuss what you want to do with the AIP Scanner. We know that you want to use it to scan file shares and SharePoint sites, but some discussion needs to be had about how the scanner locates data and what the scanner will do once it finds it.
AIP Policies contain Labels and Sub-labels that allow you to classify and optionally protect data. You can assign conditions to these labels using standard Office 365 DLP templates and have those conditions be recommended or automatic. For the AIP Scanner to classify documents, you must set these conditions to be Automatic. This allows the AIP Scanner to protect content without the need for user input. This is a content based approach and labels are assigned to content based on the conditions defined in each label. If you want all of the documents in your repositories to be classified, then you can use the default label setting in the portal and the AIP Scanner will assign that label to any content that does not meet any other automatic criteria. This is done in the Global policy blade, under the Configure settings to display and apply on Information Protection end users section.
NOTE: Use caution when using a default label as this will label any file that is not caught by properly defined conditions. This could potentially result in improper classification of many documents if not tested appropriately.
For more in-depth information about configuring policies, you can see the official documentation at
Configuring Repositories:
Repositories can be on-premises SharePoint 2013 or 2016 document libraries or lists and any accessible CIFS based share.
NOTE: In order to do discovery, classification, and protection, the scanner service pulls the documents to the server, so having the scanner server located in the same LAN as your repositories is recommended. You can deploy as many servers as you like in your domain, so putting one at each major site is probably a good idea (Microsoft currently uses around 40 Scanner instances worldwide for internal repositories and will be expanding that to 240).
To add a file share repository, open a PowerShell window and run the command below
Add-AIPScannerRepository -Path \\fileserver\documents
To add a SharePoint 2013/2016 document library run the command below
Add-AIPScannerRepository -Path http://sharepoint/documents
To verify that the repositories that are configured, run the command below
Sensitive Data Discovery:
One of the most useful features of the AIP Scanner is the discovery of sensitive data across all of your configured repositories. You can do this by using Set-AIPScannerConfiguration with a switch called -DiscoverInformationTypes. When this switch is set to All, the scanner will discover files that contain any data in the list of all Office 365 DLP sensitive data types, and any custom string or regex values that you have specified as automatic conditions for labels in the Azure Information Protection policy. When you use this option, labels do not need to be configured to use any conditions for the Office 365 sensitive data types, but you will need automatic conditions configured for custom string or regex values.
NOTE: The labels for the custom values can be applied to a policy scoped just to the AIP Scanner service account if you do not want them triggering on your global labels.
NOTE: If you are looking to have the data show up in the Data discovery (Preview) dashboard, please see the additional steps at before continuing here.
The PowerShell command below will allow you to scan your repositories against all information types.
Set-AIPScannerConfiguration -Enforce Off -DiscoverInformationTypes All Start-AIPScan
Running this command on your defined repositories will show you all of the sensitive data types you currently have in those repositories. You can then use this information to define conditions on labels so you can properly classify and protect your content.
After running the scan, you can review the logs by opening the Event Viewer and clicking on
Application and Services Logs and then on Azure Information Protection.
you can view the detailed logs at C:\users\Scanner Service Account Profile\appdata\local\Microsoft\MSIP\Scanner\Reports. There you will find the summary txt and detailed csv files.
Below is a screenshot showing the DetailedReport.csv file after a full discovery scan.
As you can see, it shows the file name and all of the sensitive information types that were identified in each file. This data can be reviewed manually, or more realistically, viewed in the new AIP Log Analytics dashboard or ingested into a SIEM for analysis and reporting.
Once you have your conditions defined, type the PowerShell command below to enforce protection and have the scanner run once.
Set-AIPScannerConfiguration -Enforce On Start-AIPScan
You should now be able to review the event log and AIP Scanner log files to see what files have been classified and protected.
The last item you will want to do is set the scanner to continuously monitor the repositories you have defined for new content. This can be done using the PowerShell commands below.
Set-AIPScannerConfiguration -Enforce On -Schedule Always Start-AIPScan
You should now have a fully functional AIP Scanner instance. You can repeat this process on multiple servers as necessary and use the same Set-AIPAuthentication command for each of them. This is a simple setup for a basic scanner server that can be used to protect a large amount of data easily. I highly recommend reading the official documentation on deploying the scanner as there are some less common caveats that I have left out and they cover performance tips and other additional information.
Below is a full script you can use to automate everything we have covered in this post. Again, this is not currently supported, so please test before deploying in a production environment.
Install-Module AzureADPreview Install-AIPScanner Connect-AzureAD $PasswordProfile = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile.ForceChangePasswordNextLogin = $false $Password = Read-Host -assecurestring "Please enter password for cloud service account" $Password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password)) $PasswordProfile.Password = $Password $Tenant = Read-Host "Please enter tenant name for UserPrincipalName (e.g." New-AzureADUser -AccountEnabled $True -DisplayName "AIP Scanner Cloud Service" -PasswordProfile $PasswordProfile -MailNickName "AIPScannerCloud" -UserPrincipalName "AIPScannerCloud@$Tenant" New-AzureADApplication -DisplayName AIPOnBehalfOf -ReplyUrls http://localhost $WebApp = Get-AzureADApplication -Filter "DisplayName eq 'AIPOnBehalfOf'" New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId $WebApp.AppId $WebAppKey = New-Guid $Date = Get-Date New-AzureADApplicationPasswordCredential -ObjectId $WebApp.ObjectID -startDate $Date -endDate $Date.AddYears(1) -Value $WebAppKey.Guid -CustomKeyIdentifier "AIPClient" New-AzureADApplication -DisplayName AIPClient -ReplyURLs http://localhost -RequiredResourceAccess $Access -PublicClient $true $NativeApp = Get-AzureADApplication -Filter "DisplayName eq 'AIPClient'" New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId $NativeApp.AppId "Set-AIPAuthentication -WebAppID " + $WebApp.AppId + " -WebAppKey " + $WebAppKey.Guid + " -NativeAppID " + $NativeApp.AppId | Out-File ~\Desktop\Set-AIPAuthentication.txt Start ~\Desktop\Set-AIPAuthentication.txt ### As On Premises Scanner Account # Set-AIPAuthentication comand from Set-AIPAuthentication.txt # Restart-Service AIPScanner ### Configure Repositories # Set-AIPScannerConfiguration -DiscoverInformationTypes All # Start-AIPScan
The Information Protection Customer Experience Team