With the Windows Server®°2008 and Windows°Vista® operating systems, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP 6.1) enables new presentation and remote-oriented features such as Desktop Window Manager (DWM) presentation virtualization, 32-bit support, ClearType® display technology, and device redirection, together with important performance-related improvements.
As these features become integrated in the enterprise environment, it is critical to analyze and understand their overall impact on your current network infrastructure and the end-user experience.
The “RDP Performance White Paper” ( http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/ts-product-home.aspx ) describes the performance characteristics of several scenarios that include some of the key features in RDP 6.1. It also includes performance considerations for individual features that can help guide your decisions when modifying your deployment configuration to improve performance or tune it to the specific needs of your end users.
Note: You should not interpret the performance characteristics presented in this document as benchmark measurements that all systems can support. Only empirical testing on the target system can provide an accurate benchmark of your specific scenario.