The installation files for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Service Pack 1 (SP1) and the associated Endpoint Protection for Linux OS and Macintosh OS were refreshed on January 25, 2013.
The SP1 media was updated across all distribution channels (MSDN, TechNet, Volume License, and evaluation versions) to include the following hotfix:
Installation error 0x800b0101: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Service Pack 1 client
If SP1 was installed prior to January 25 and the hotfix from KB280187 already applied, no action is required. This updated release simply removes the need to apply the hotfix to new SP1 installations.
The MSDN and TechNet download links reflect a January 25 release date. Note that while the entry on the Volume License Service Center shows a January 13 release date, the ISO file has been updated. The new file available on the Volume License site is SW_DVD5_Sys_Ctr_2012w_SP1_Config_Mgr_EndPt_Protection_MultiLang_-2_X18-84756.ISO .
Service Pack 1 is available at the following locations. Note that registration or subscriptions may be required.
Volume Licensing Service Center
The SP1 Endpoint Protection media (System Center 2012 with SP1 Endpoint Protection for Linux OS and Macintosh OS Multilanguage) was updated on the Volume Licensing Service Center as a result of a corrupt installation file. Customers were not able to install using the previously available media. The updated filename is SW_DVD5_Sys_Ctr_2012w_SP1_Endpoint_Prot_for_Lin_Mac_MultiLang_-2_X18-84757.ISO
Note that the separate Clients for Additional Operating Systems files were not affected.
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