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Intune Service Health is now available in the Office 365 portal

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Intune Team
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Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Apr 28, 2016
In response to your feedback asking for fewer portals, we are already migrating Intune subscription management into the Office 365 management portal. We have also received feedback from you asking for our service health information to be in a central location with other Microsoft services.  In response to this, we are migrating our Service Health dashboard into the Office 365 management portal as well. You will be able to find this under “Service Health” in the left navigational pane. In addition to having a single location to view service health across services, you will also see these benefits:
  1. Less noise: You will only see incidents potentially affecting your service.
  1. Office 365 Admin mobile app improves notifications: Benefits of this application include instant notification of incidents as well as the ability to forward notices to email addresses or distribution groups.  You can read more about the Office 365 Admin mobile app here .
  1. Shared API: You can also take advantage of the Office 365 Service Communications API.  This can be used to create custom notifications within your organization or to add Intune status to your own internal dashboards.  Read more on the current version of the API, or check out what’s new in Office 365 preview .
The existing Service Health dashboard will remain unchanged for at least another month, and we will include an alert at the top of this page prior to deprecating the incidents. Where will I see Maintenance Notifications? In the future, we will utilize the Office 365 Message Center for notifications of upcoming feature releases as well as alerts once your service has been upgraded.  You can also use the Office 365 Mobile app and integrate with the Communications API for this workflow.  You will begin to see these notifications within the next 1-2 months under “MESSAGE CENTER” in the left navigational pane. What will happen to the current RSS functionality? The current RSS functionality will remain in effect at least until the current Service Health dashboard is deprecated, however we are encouraging you to begin moving to either the Office 365 Admin Mobile app or to the Office 365 Communications API . What is the difference between Microsoft Intune and Mobile Device Management ? Many of you enjoy mobile device management capabilities included with your Office 365 subscription.  If you have both Microsoft Intune and Mobile Device Management enabled for Office 365, it is possible that you will see the same incident across both nodes.  The Mobile Device Management node is already represented in the Office 365 management portal.  In the coming weeks, this existing node will be renamed to Mobile Device Management for Office 365. Can only full administrators access the Office 365 Service Health page? The Office 365 management portal supports different levels of administrative access.  All global administrators as well as those with a customized set of access will be able to view both the service health data as well as Message Center posts.  Determine which administrative role meets your business need. Visit the What’s New in Microsoft Intune page for other recent developments.
Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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