First published on CloudBlogs on Jun, 30 2014
Hi everybody
As per Carol’s introduction post , she's letting you know what's new and hot in the docs for this month.
Reminders: Follow us on twitter ( @TheRMSGuy ) and join in our our new RMS peer community at .
Dan (on behalf of the RMS team)
The Documentation Library for Azure Rights Management has been updated on the web and the latest content has Updated: June 1, 2014 at the top of the topic.
Summary of the documentation available: Getting Started with Rights Management | Configuring Rights Management | Using Rights Management | Administering Rights Management by using Windows PowerShell
Plus, the Rights Management sharing application guides ( admin guide and user guide ) and FAQs (for Windows and mobile platforms ).
This month sees new PowerShell documentation for Azure RMS custom templates. In addition to creating and managing custom templates in the Azure Management Portal, you can now do this from the command line, by using the latest version of the Azure RMS Windows PowerShell module (version For installation instructions and the download link, see Installing Windows PowerShell for Azure Rights Management . The new version of the module ships with updated local help, and now also supports the online parameter so that you can easily get to the online version to check for the latest information.
For example, instead of typing " Get-Help Connect-AadrmService " to read the local help that ships with the module, type " Get-Help Connect-AadrmService -online " to automatically load your web browser and display the online version of the help. Unlike the local help, the online version supports web formatting, so it's much easier to read. It's often more up-to-date, and will automatically show localized versions for the standard 10 languages that TechNet and MSDN supports (Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese-Brazilian, Russian, Spanish).
The new cmdlets to support custom templates are:
- Add-AadrmTemplate
- Export-AadrmTemplate
- Get-AadrmTemplate
- Get-AadrmTemplateProperty
- Import-AadrmTemplate
- New-AadrmRightsDefinition
- Remove-AadrmTemplate
- Set-AadrmTemplateProperty
If you are interested in custom templates and missed the blog post announcement, you can read it here: Create custom templates in Azure RMS with the Azure Management Portal. To see what customers are asking about this new feature when they try it out, see Top 10 customer questions about Azure RMS custom templates .
We value customer feedback and try to incorporate it when possible. Although we can't promise to make the docs perfect for everybody, we are committed to continual improvement. If you have any feedback about the docs for Azure RMS, email .
What's New for the RMS Sharing Application Documentation, June 2014
The only significant documentation changes since the last update (May 2014) is to clarify that the RMS sharing application requires the Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0 as a minimum. This information is added to the Rights Management sharing application administration guide and the Rights Management sharing application user guide .
What's New in the Documentation Library for Azure Rights Management, June 2014
The following information lists the topics that contain significant changes since the last update (May 2014).
Requirements for Azure Rights Management
- Updated for the following:
- Added a new section, “What happens when the trial subscription expires?” to the Azure RMS Standalone subscription section that explains the different subscription types: Cloud subscriptions that support Azure RMS
- Added a new section, Client device capabilities that has a table showing the granular RMS support for each device type. For example, how an iOS device supports Word/Excel/PowerPoint, PDF, email, and generic protection.
Frequently Asked Questions for Azure Rights Management
- Updated for new entry "What do I do if my question isn't here?" for links to additional resources.
Planning and Implementing Your Azure Rights Management Tenant Key
- Minor update to note that to generate and transfer your tenant key over the Internet, you should be using version of the Azure RMS Windows PowerShell module.
Activating Azure Rights Management
- Updated for a new section, "Rights Management status values and descriptions", which describes the various status values that you might see in the Azure Management Portal (Active, Inactive, Unavailable, and Unauthorized).
Configuring Custom Templates for Azure Rights Management
- Updated to clarify that the default templates cannot be deleted, only archived. And also updated with the best practice of copying and then editing a default template if you want a custom template to apply to all users. This technique is more efficient than creating a custom template from scratch and specifying multiple or large groups. There's also a new section, Windows PowerShell reference , for information and links to the cmdlets listed in the introduction of this post.
Deploying the Azure Rights Management Connector
- Updated the minimum supported version for Exchange Server 2010 from Service Pack 3 Rollup Update 2 to Service Pack 3 Rollup Update 6 . Changing the minimal rollup update was necessary after customer reports that under some circumstances (including a failed Internet connection), an Exchange server would fail to get the RMS tenant configuration and fall back to defaults for key length values and other settings. If you ran Test-IRMConfiguration -Sender, you would see the failure message "Failed to acquire a Rights Account Certificate (RAC) and/or a Client Licensor Certificate (CLC)." Updating the Exchange server to Service Pack 3 Rollup Update 6 resolves the problem.
Administering Azure Rights Management by Using Windows PowerShell
- Updated the table to include the tasks related to creating and managing custom templates.
- Updated to correct the -KeyFile parameter, which the syntax previously reported to be optional rather than required. This correction is also in the updated module.
- Updated the example output for a more typical response.
Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0Azure Information Protection Team
Copper Contributor
Joined September 05, 2018
Microsoft Security Blog
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