It's common to see customers needing to download the JSON contents for their Logic Apps, either to keep a copy of the code or to initiate CI/CD.
The methods to download this are very simple, accessible on a single button.
We will only approach the Portal method to extract the Workflows JSON content, not approaching the other available methods (Visual Studio, VS Code, PowerShell, etc.).
Logic App Multi-tenant (Consumption)
A Multi-tenant Logic App is a resource that supports a single workflow, it has the JSON workflow directly available to extract without needing to search very deeply.
For this, you need only to go to Automation and Export Template.
This will open a tab where the ARM template and JSON will be loaded and you will be able to download the content, to use at your own will, being for CI/CD or just to keep a copy.
Remember that this ARM template contains all that generates a Logic App Consumption, the definition and properties associated with it.
Downloading will generate a ZIP package with the template and a parameter file that you can use to define custom values for some connections or other parameters.
Logic App Single Tenant (Standard)
A Logic App Standard is a different resource than Consumption, with a very different mechanism behind it.
It is a resource that supports multiple workflows but is hosted in a Workflow Service Plan or an App Service Plan (ASEv3).
Standard (single-tenant) | Usage metering, billing, and pricing - Azure Logic Apps | Microsoft Learn
App Service Environment overview - Azure App Service Environment | Microsoft Learn
When you download the Content, you don't just download the workflow JSON files, you also download the whole App content.
To download this content, you just need to click on the Logic App and the "Download app content" button. You then receive a small pop-up on the download description.
The ZIP package will contain the Host files, needed to run a Logic App, Connections configurations and the workflows folders and files in them.
Each workflow will have its own folder, and the name of the folder will be the name of the workflow.
With this, you should be able to complete all the needed tasks, as you now are able to download and handle your Logic App files.
Published Feb 11, 2025
Version 1.0Pedro_M_Almeida
Joined June 23, 2022
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