Blog Post

Exchange Team Blog

How do you get to have email really, really, REALLY close to you?

The_Exchange_Team's avatar
Nov 09, 2007

Matt Ward, who works for one of our TAP customers took being close to email to a new level. Really!

Here's what he had to say:

"Now I consider myself to be well and truly wedded to the magic & mysterious black art of email, and so I decided to celebrate my geekiness and my vocation by having this amusing slogan permanently etched onto my body!"

"Emailo Ergo Sum", or loosely "I email therefore I am".


Okay - now we are looking for someone who is willing to change their name to Microsoft Exchange! :)

- The Exchange Team

Updated Jul 01, 2019
Version 2.0
  • Imagine having to work with this, as we all have too!  :-)
  • Heh, just wait 'til you start getting all that SPAM on your arm...

  • I think that guy should be put in a secure unit.
  • $user = $env:username
    set-user $user -displayname "Exchange Server"

    Do I win anything?
  • Totally awesome. Nice work Matt!