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Core Infrastructure and Security Blog

SharePoint Tidbit - Better way to setup Perfmon tracing

Christopher Weaver's avatar
May 15, 2019

First published on TECHNET on Aug 05, 2016
Hello All,

Was working with a platform PFE and he provided me with the script that he uses to have customers setup/start/stop perfmon, I thought it was great so did some digging and found a blog that detailed the formatting to use for SharePoint counters.

Here is the script I sent to my customer:

Logman.exe create counter PerfLog-Short -o “c:\perflogs\PerfLog-Short.blg” -f bincirc -v mmddhhmm -max 500 -c “\LogicalDisk(*)\*” “\Memory\*” “\Cache\*” “\Network Interface(*)\*” “\Netlogon(*)\*” “\Paging File(*)\*” “\PhysicalDisk(*)\*” “\Processor(*)\*” “\Processor Information(*)\*” “\Process(*)\*” “\Thread(*)\*” “\Redirector\*” “\Server\*” “\System\*” “\Server Work Queues(*)\*” “\Terminal Services\*” “\ASP.NET(*)\*” ”\ASP.NET v2.0.50727\*” ”\ASP.NET Apps v2.0.50727(*)\*” ”\.NET CLR Networking(*)\*” ”\.NET CLR Memory(*)\*” ”\.NET CLR Exception(*)\*” ”\.NET CLR Loading(*)\*” ”\.NET Data Provider for SqlServer(*)\*” ”\SharePoint Publishing Cache(*)\*” ”\Web Service(*)\*” ”\Web Service Cache\*” ”\SharePoint Search Archival Plugin(*)\*” ”\SharePoint Search Gatherer\*” ”\SharePoint Search Gatherer Project(*)\*” ”\SharePointSearch Indexer Catalogs(*)\*” ”\SharePoint Search Schema Plugin(*)\* “ -si 00:00:03

Here is the blog that I used (Thank you)


NOTE: Corrected command thank you Dan Bomgardner

Updated Apr 28, 2020
Version 3.0
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