I am unable to get this code to function. I'm running it exactly as stated in the example however this error is generated after running:
dimensions is not a known attribute of class <class 'azure.search.documents.indexes.models._index.SearchField'> and will be ignored
raise HttpResponseError(response=response, model=error)
azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: (InvalidRequestParameter) The request is invalid. Details: definition : The vector field 'content_vector' must have the property 'dimensions' set.
Code: InvalidRequestParameter
Message: The request is invalid. Details: definition : The vector field 'content_vector' must have the property 'dimensions' set.
Exception Details: (InvalidField) The vector field 'content_vector' must have the property 'dimensions' set. Parameters: definition
Code: InvalidField
Message: The vector field 'content_vector' must have the property 'dimensions' set. Parameters: definition