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Azure App Service Automatic Scaling

gauravseth's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Nov 19, 2021

Azure App Services currently provides two workflows for scaling: scale up and scale out.

  • Scale up: Get more CPU, memory, disk space, and extra features. You scale up by changing the pricing tier of the App Service plan that your app belongs to.
  • Scale out: Increase the number of VM instances that run your app. You can scale out to as many as 30 instances, depending on your pricing tier. App Service Environments in Isolated tier further increases your scale-out count to 100 instances. You can scale manually or automatically based on predefined rules and schedules.


These existing scaling workflows work well, but you may want to instead have the App Service platform automatically scale your web app without the hassle of defining auto-scaling rules & schedules.


We are introducing a new platform-managed automatic scaling feature in Azure App Services. Below is a list of key features provided by App Service’s built-in automatic scaling feature:


  • The App Service platform will automatically scale out the number of running instances of your application to keep up with the flow of incoming HTTP requests, and automatically scale in your application by reducing the number of running instances when incoming request traffic slows down.
  • Developers can define per web app scaling and control the minimum number of running instances per web app.
  • Developers can control the maximum number of instances that an underlying app service plan can scale out to. This ensures that connected resources like databases do not become a bottleneck once automatic scaling is triggered.
  • Enable or disable automatic scaling for existing app service plans, as well as apps within these plans.
  • Address cold start issues for your web apps with pre-warmed instances. These instances act as a buffer when scaling out your web apps.
  • Automatic scaling works with the existing Premium Pv2 and Pv3 SKUs.
  • Automatic scaling is billed on per second basis and uses the existing Pv2 and Pv3 billing meters.
  • Pre-warmed instances are also charged on per second basis using the existing Pv2 and Pv3 billing meters once it's allocated for use by your web app [For additional details about pre-warmed instances refer to AZ Cli section below ]

  • Use Azure CLI or ARM templates to enable automatic scaling.

Suggested scenarios for automatic scaling:

  • You want your web app to scale automatically without setting up an auto-scale schedule or set of auto-scale rules based on various resource metrics.
  • You want your web apps within the same app service plan to scale differently and independently of each other.
  • A web app is connected to backend data sources like databases or legacy systems which may not be able to scale as fast as the web app. Automatic scaling allows you to set the maximum number of instances your app service plan can scale to. This helps avoid scenarios where a backend is a bottleneck to scaling and is overwhelmed by the web app.

Enable Automatic scaling using Azure CLI:


With latest version of AZ CLI we have simplified configuring automatic scaling (Option 1 described below) :


Option 1:


Step 1:


This step enables automatic scaling for your existing app service plan and web apps within this plan. We also set the value of maximum automatic scale for the app service plan using this step.


az appservice plan update --name <<app service plan name>> --resource-group "resource group name" --elastic-scale true | false --max-elastic-worker-count <<max number of workers for app service plan automatic scale >>


az appservice plan update --name sampleAppServicePlan --resource-group sampleResourceGroup --elastic-scale true --max-elastic-worker-count 10 [This enables automatic scaling for the app service plan and sets the max automatic scale out limit of the app service plan as 10]


*** Value of max-elastic-worker-count should be less than or equal to Maximum instances that a premium SKU app service plan can scale out


*** Value of max-elastic-worker-count should be greater than or equal to current instance count (NumberOfWorkers) for your app service plan


*** In some scenarios while setting the value of "--elastic-scale true" for an existing app service plan for App service Linux you may receive an error message (“Operation returned an invalid status 'Bad Request'”). In such scenarios follow below mentioned steps:


  • Execute above step using the -- debug flag to return details about the error


You can now view detailed error message which should be similar to "Message":"Requested feature is not available in resource group <<Your Resource Group Name>>. Please try using a different resource group or create a new one."


  • You should now create a new resource group and an app service plan (It is recommended to use PV3 SKU for the new app service plan) and then perform step 1


Step 2:


This step enables minimum number of instances that your web app will always be available on (per app scaling) and also enables the number of pre-warmed instances readily available for your web app to scale (buffer instances).


az webapp update -g <<resource group name>> -n <<web app name>> --minimum-elastic-instance-count <<number of always available instances for the web app>> --prewarmed-instance-count <<number of buffer instances available for the web app >>


 az webapp update -g sampleResourceGroup -n sampleWebApp  --minimum-elastic-instance-count 5 --prewarmed-instance-count 1 [This configures 5 as the minimum number of instances that your web app will always be available on (per app scaling) and also configures 1 as the number of pre-warmed instances readily available for your web app to scale (buffer instances).


*** Default value of prewarmed-instance-count is set as 1 and for most scenarios this value should remain as 1


*** Assuming that your web app has five always ready instances (minimum-elastic-instance-count 5) and the default of one pre-warmed instance. When your web app is idle and no HTTP requests are received, the app is provisioned and running with five instances. At this time, you aren't billed for a pre-warmed instance as the always-ready instances aren't used, and no pre-warmed instance is allocated. Once your web app starts receiving HTTP Requests and the five always-ready instances become active, and a pre-warmed instance is allocated and the billing for it starts. If the rate of HTTP Requests received by your web app continues to increase, the five active instances are eventually used and when App services decides to scale beyond five instances, it scales into the pre-warmed instance. When that happens, there are now six active instances, and a seventh instance is instantly provisioned and fill the pre-warmed buffer. This sequence of scaling and pre-warming continues until the maximum instance count for the app is reached. No instances are pre-warmed or activated beyond the maximum.


Step 3:


This step disables automatic scaling for your existing app service plan and web apps within this plan


az appservice plan update --name <<app service plan name>> --resource-group "resource group name" --elastic-scale true | false


az appservice plan update --name sampleAppServicePlan --resource-group sampleResourceGroup --elastic-scale false  [This disables automatic scaling for the app service plan]


Option 2:


Step 1:


This step enables automatic scaling for your existing app service plan and web apps within this plan


az resource update -g <<resource group name>> -n <<app service plan name>> --set properties.ElasticScaleEnabled=1 --resource-type Microsoft.Web/serverfarms


az resource update -g sampleResourceGroup -n sampleAppServicePlan --set properties.ElasticScaleEnabled=1 --resource-type Microsoft.Web/serverfarms [This enables automatic scaling for the app service plan named "sampleAppServicePlan"]


*** In some scenarios while setting the value of ElasticScaleEnabled=1 for an existing app service plan for App service Linux you may receive an error message (“Operation returned an invalid status 'Bad Request'”). In such scenarios follow below mentioned steps:


  • Execute above step using the -- debug flag to return details about the error


az resource update -g <<resource group name>> -n <<app service plan name>> --set properties.ElasticScaleEnabled=1 --resource-type Microsoft.Web/serverfarms -- debug (You can now view detailed error message which should be similar to "Message":"Requested feature is not available in resource group <<Your Resource Group Name>>. Please try using a different resource group or create a new one.")


  • You should now create a new resource group and an app service plan (It is recommended to use PV3 SKU for the new app service plan) and then set ElasticScaleEnabled=1

Step 2:


This step defines maximum number of instances that your app service plan can scale to


az resource update -g <<resource group name>> -n <<app service plan name>> -- properties.maximumElasticWorkerCount=** --resource-type Microsoft.Web/serverfarms


az resource update -g sampleResourceGroup -n sampleAppServicePlan -- properties.maximumElasticWorkerCount=10 --resource-type Microsoft.Web/serverfarms  [This sets the max automatic scale out limit of the app service plan named "sampleAppServicePlan"  to 10 instances]


*** Value of maximumElasticWorkerCount should be less than or equal to Maximum instances that a premium SKU app service plan can scale out

*** Value of maximumElasticWorkerCount should be greater than or equal to current instance count (NumberOfWorkers) for your app service plan


Step 3:


This step enables minimum number of instances that your web app will always be available on (per app scaling)


az resource update -g <<resource group name>> -n <<web app name>>/config/web --set properties.minimumElasticInstanceCount=** --resource-type Microsoft.Web/sites


az resource update -g sampleResourceGroup -n sampleWebApp/config/web --set properties.minimumElasticInstanceCount=5 --resource-type Microsoft.Web/sites[This sets the minimum number of instances for the web app named "sampleWebApp"  to 5. In this example Web app named "sampleWebApp" is deployed to app service plan named "sampleAppServicePlan "]


Step 4:


This step enables the number of pre-warmed instances readily available for your web app to scale (buffer instances).


*** Default value of “preWarmedInstanceCount” is set as 1 and for most scenarios this value should remain as 1


az resource update -g <<resource group name>> -n <<web app name>>/config/web --set properties.preWarmedInstanceCount=** --resource-type Microsoft.Web/sites


az resource update -g sampleResourceGroup -n sampleWebApp/config/web --set properties.preWarmedInstanceCount=2 --resource-type Microsoft.Web/sites[This sets the number of buffer instances available for automatic scaling for the web app named "sampleWebApp" to 2]


*** Assuming that your web app has five always ready instances (minimumElasticInstanceCount=5) and the default of one pre-warmed instance. When your web app is idle and no HTTP requests are received, the app is provisioned and running with five instances. At this time, you aren't billed for a pre-warmed instance as the always-ready instances aren't used, and no pre-warmed instance is allocated. Once your web app starts receiving HTTP Requests and the five always-ready instances become active, and a pre-warmed instance is allocated and the billing for it starts. If the rate of HTTP Requests received by your web app continues to increase, the five active instances are eventually used and when App services decides to scale beyond five instances, it scales into the pre-warmed instance. When that happens, there are now six active instances, and a seventh instance is instantly provisioned and fill the pre-warmed buffer. This sequence of scaling and pre-warming continues until the maximum instance count for the app is reached. No instances are pre-warmed or activated beyond the maximum.


Step 5:


This step disables automatic scaling for your existing app service plan and web apps within this plan


az resource update -g <<resource group name>> -n <<app service plan name>> --set properties.ElasticScaleEnabled=0 --resource-type Microsoft.Web/serverfarms


az resource update -g sampleResourceGroup -n sampleAppServicePlan --set properties.ElasticScaleEnabled=0 --resource-type Microsoft.Web/serverfarms [This disables automatic scaling for the app service plan named "sampleAppServicePlan"]



  • The App Service automatic scaling feature is currently in early preview.
  • Automatic scaling is currently supported for Azure App Service for Windows and Linux.(App service for Windows containers and App Service Environments do not support automatic scaling)
  • Automatic scaling can be configured via Azure CLI and ARM templates only. Azure Portal (UX) support for this feature will be enabled in a future release.
  • Automatic scaling is available only for Azure App Services Premium Pv2 and Pv3 SKUs
  • App Service’s automatic scaling feature is different than Azure Autoscale.  Automatic scaling is a new built-in feature of the App Service platform that automatically handles web app scaling decisions for you. Azure Autoscale is a pre-existing Azure feature for defining schedule-based and resource-based scaling rules for your app service plans. for your app service plans.
  • Once automatic scaling is configured, existing Azure Autoscale rules and schedules (if any) will not be honored. Applications can use either automatic scaling, or Azure Autoscale, but not both. If you disable automatic scaling for your app service plan by setting ElasticScaleEnabled=0; existing Autoscale rules if any, will be applicable once again
  • Health check should not be enabled on web apps with this automatic scaling feature turned on. Due to the rapid scaling provided by this feature, the health check requests can cause unnecessary fluctuations in HTTP traffic. Automatic scaling has its own internal health probes that are used to make informed scaling decisions.
  • You can only have Azure App Service web apps in the app service plan where you wish to enable automatic scaling. If you have existing Azure Functions apps in the same app service plan, or if you create new Azure Functions apps, then automatic scaling will be disabled. For Functions it is advised to use the Azure Functions Premium plan instead.
Updated Mar 23, 2022
Version 2.0
  • dlrhosseinm's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Does setting `minimumElasticInstanceCount` via `az resource update` cause the App Service/Function App restart?

  • MustafaBond's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    gauravseth where can we get more resources about this feature and its best practices? I can't find anywhere how to set an http requests threshold for adding additional instances or is that fully done by Azure?  


    Users cannot set thresholds for incoming HTTP requests. Platform takes scaling decisions based on in-built algorithms. So think of automatic scaling as simple cruise control scaling feature for your web apps deployed to Azure app services. 

  • rito87695's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Is the limitation still applicable for Windows Container?

  • Kris's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi gauravseth,


    I have dreamt about this feature for years and it was the main reason I was looking to move to AKS for better scaling control.


    You want your web apps within the same app service plan to scale differently and independently of each other.

    How are individual web apps scaled out differently and independently from others on the same plan? Can you pelase describe a bit more on how this works?

    If the underlying plan needs to be scaled out for one web app, wouldn't all the web apps on that plan get scaled out with it?

    Considering you have some interesting meachanism for the above, then can you comment on the below scenario:

    • I have 10 apps on plan X and 10 apps on plan Y, both plans have a minimum instance count of 2, hence we are paying for 4 instances total.
    • If one app on each plan needs to be scaled out due to their high request volume, can these two apps be scaled out onto a shared plan to cut costs, therefore 5 instances total?

    It would be awesome if app service plans could just be in some sort of cluster group where web apps just get shuffled and spread out between them as needed and I deploy to the cluster and not a plan.


    Will this in any way affect Regional VNet integration with Route All Traffic enabled on the web apps?


    Also, how come this wasn't mentioned in the Azure Updates channel, this seems like a super amazing feature and should be better advertized.


    And lastly, any ballpark ETA on GA?





    Kris we scale individual web apps based on incoming HTTP requests and best-case basis.

  • Jose_Mendoza's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Gaurav,


    Interesting feature. Do you have any information about the criteria applied for the scaling decisions?


